This statement details our school’s use of pupil premium (and recovery premium for the 2021 to 2022 academic year) funding to help improve the attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. It outlines our pupil premium strategy, how we intend to spend the funding in this academic year and the effect that last year’s spending of pupil premium had within our school. The total budgeted cost is £196,680.
School overview
School name
Leigh Academy Molehill
Number of pupils in school
Proportion of disadvantaged pupils
43.3% (126 pupils)
Pupil premium allocation this academic year
Academic year/s covered by statement
Publish date
September 2022
Review date
January 2023
Statement authorised by
Laura Smith
Pupil premium lead
Laura Smith
Governor / Trustee lead
Enno Chinosa
strategy aims for disadvantaged pupils
Priority 1
61% Expected Combined at KS2
20% Higher Standard at KS2
Positive Progress Scores.
Priority 2
KS1 Expected:
80% Reading
75% Writing
75% Mathematics
Positive Progress Scores
Barriers to learning these priorities address
Impact of Covid disruption.
Poor Attendance.
Projected spending
teaching priorities for current academic year
Target Date
To significantly increase the proportion of effective and highly effective teaching, using a range of resources effectively to support e.g. IRIS, On Track, CA
100% Effective, 50% Highly Effective Teaching
September 2023
To use digital technology to improve teaching, learning, including home learning, and assessment through the Digital Learning Strategy.
Digital Level increases
September 2023
To ensure that teachers systematically demonstrate ambition in their planning by:
- ensuring work always matched pupils’ needs and abilities
- providing suitable challenge, especially for the most able
- in mathematics, securing more consistency in the mastery approach.
Learning Walks evidence, pupil outcomes improve, in particular Greater Depth.
September 2023
To implement effective retrieval practices, expand pupils’ vocabulary, and ensure that all pupils can remember new components of knowledge to use at a later date.
Learning Walks evidence, pupil outcomes improve, in particular Greater Depth.
September 2023
To ensure that all disadvantaged pupils are given equal opportunities to systematically reach their full potential
Eradicating any variations between groups: Disadvantaged, non-disadvantaged pupils with SEND etc.
September 2023
support on disadvantaged pupils reaching the expected standard in phonics - check at end of y1
Priority 1
Ensure appropriate staff (including new staff) have received highly effective training to deliver the phonics scheme successfully
Priority 2
Ensure highly effective resources continue to be renewed, reviewed and used effectively
Barriers to learning these priorities address
Ensuring staff use evidence-based whole-class teaching interventions
Effective management of change to new scheme
Parental Engagement – reading focus
Projected spending
targeted academic support for current academic year
Priority 1
Reading, Speech and Language and ELSA interventions all embedded and effective at supporting pupils to successfully access the breadth of curriculum
Priority 2
Digital Learning – all pupils will have access to a 1:1 device. Additional resources such as Lexia, Read and Write and SATs resources enable pupils to make additional progress.
Barriers to learning these priorities address
Ensuring targeted pupils have sustained, consistent access to these resources, promoting a love of reading, developing the curriculum further through the Digital Learning Strategy.
Projected spending
wider strategies for current academic year
Priority 1
Embedding a wide range of strategies to reduce Persistent Absence, led by the Pastoral Support Manager and Vice Principal
Priority 2
To ensure that the most disadvantaged and SEN pupils consistently benefit from our wider curriculum opportunities to develop individual interests and talents
Barriers to learning these priorities address
Attendance, including Persistent Absence, must reduce significantly.
Projected spending
monitoring and implementation
Mitigating Action
Ensuring high quality, bespoke professional development
National College and Chartered College used effectively
Targeted support
Teachers identify the correct pupils for specific interventions
Collective data capture and robust moderations implemented.
Wider strategies
Engaging the families facing most challenges
Collaboration with LA and external agencies