Academy Reopening

Dear Parents/Carers,

Firstly, I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you all for your support over the last eight weeks; your willingness to work in partnership with us has made all the difference to the remote education we have been able to provide for our pupils. Once again, I pay tribute to the relentless hard work of all of our staff at Molehill over this time, as well as the enthusiasm with which they have all met these new challenges. 

On Monday the Government announced that as part of the next phase in the response to Coronavirus all children will return to school on the 8th March.  We are aligned with these aims; we know that returning to school is vital for children’s education and for their wellbeing. We are delighted at the prospect of welcoming pupils back to school – we recognise how much they have been missed by both their teachers, learning support assistants and, perhaps most importantly, their friends. Equally, time out of school is detrimental for children’s academic development. This impact can affect both current levels of education, and children’s future ability to learn. 

You can read more about the Government response here:

We would like to give you confidence that our next steps will be underlined with caution and careful thought. We understand that communication and clarity will be key to ensure that we keep all members of our community safe and healthy as we move into this next phase and towards reopening. 

Some of the measures we have taken and will be taking to support our pupils’ return are as follows:

  • We expect all pupils to follow the normal school rules as well as all of the new rules and procedures that will be shared with them.  This is to ensure the safety of everyone in school.  
  • The full curriculum will continue to be planned for and followed as far as possible with some practical PE lessons. 
  • Pupils and staff will continue to be organised into ‘bubbles’ to prevent cross contamination. These ‘bubbles’ will remain separate to each other wherever possible.  
  • All children need to bring a named, filled water bottle into school every day. Water fountains will not be available.
  • If you would like to send your child into school with hand sanitiser you are able to do so. Please make sure the bottle is labelled with your child’s name.  The school will not provide hand sanitiser for pupils but will ensure pupils wash their hands with soap on a regular basis throughout the day.
  • There will be a significant focus on the mental health and wellbeing of pupils as they return to face-to-face teaching
  • Specific provisions to ensure safe practices at break and lunch times, including access to outside spaces 
  • Good ventilation will be maintained throughout the day – please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately with this in mind. Windows and doors will continue to be left open throughout the day to provide effective ventilation around the academy. 
  • Face Masks continue to be compulsory for all staff when moving around the academy.
  • You may already be aware that our staff members are undertaking routine Covid testing twice a week using Lateral Flow Devices. 


Children are expected to return to school in full school uniform, including black school shoes. Our uniform supplier is happy to support you with purchasing any additional items you may need and can be contacted here:


A full hot menu will be available from Monday 8th March.


If we were able to loan your child a Chromebook over the course of the latest lockdown you must bring it to the Academy on the morning of the 8th March so that we can collect and return it on your behalf. 

Breakfast Club – Breakfast Club will re-open W/B: 15th March 2021

We are able to offer Breakfast Club to a limited number of pupils. Places will be offered initially to pupils with working parents and those described as vulnerable by the Government. More Government guidance can be found here:

The costs are as follows: 80p per day, £3:50 per week or £20 per term. Breakfast Club will open at 8.15am. Pupils will not be admitted into the club after 8.30am.  Please do not send your child to Breakfast club unless you have been offered a place as we will not be able to accommodate them. To register your interest in a place please complete the form here:

Times of the Day 

Please ensure that you and child are familiar with which class they are in as this will help us to ensure they enter at the correct time with the correct group of children.

To ensure that pupils and parents are safe during drop off we have slightly altered our start and end of day routines.  It is essential that you drop off and collect your child at these times.  If you are late you may be asked to wait until other pupils from other ‘bubbles’ have cleared the gate area.

Dropping off points – parents must not enter the school site under any circumstances.  Pupils will be dropped off at the external gates and staff will ensure they safely enter the buildings. Way finding signage will be in place to help guide them to their ‘bubbles’ and staff will be on hand to support.

Class Start of the Day End of the Day Drop off point
Wallaby 9am-9.10am 3pm Gate at the front main entrance
Kangaroo 9am-9.10am 3pm Gate at the front main entrance
Leopard 8.45am – 8.55am 3.10pm Gate at the front main entrance
Lion 8.45am – 8.55am 3.10pm Gate at the front main entrance
Tiger 8.45am – 8.55am 3.10pm Gate at the front main entrance
Hedgehog 9am-9.10am 3.05pm Gate at the back of the school (into the main playground)
Fox 9am-9.10am 3.05pm Gate at the back of the school (into the main playground)
Badger 9am-9.10am 3.05pm Gate at the back of the school (into the main playground)
Falcon 8.45am – 8.55am 3.15pm Gate at the back of the school (into the main playground)
Kestrel 8.45am – 8.55am 3.15pm Gate at the back of the school (into the main playground)
Eagle 8.45am – 8.55am 3.15pm Gate at the back of the school (into the main playground)

Symptoms and Testing

To avoid any pupil bringing Covid-19 into the Academy and transmitting it amongst their bubble there are a number of symptoms you should be aware of in addition to the three more common Coronavirus symptoms:

Continuous Cough High Temperature Loss of Taste/Smell

Sore Throat Headache/Migraine Tummy Ache 

Vomiting Nausea (Feeling Sick) Diarrhoea

Extreme tiredness Muscle Aches/Joint Pain Rash

If you are concerned about your child having covid-19 symptoms then you must keep them isolated at home and book a test, please only send them back to school once they have had a negative result. Remember that if anyone in your household develops symptoms of Coronavirus then the whole household must isolate and arrange a test for the person with symptoms. If the test returns a negative result, then the isolation can end. If the test is positive, then the person with the positive test result must isolate for 10 days from when the symptoms started and all other members of the household for 10 days. This remains the case even if the other members of the household test negative.

Please be assured that we will continue to update you with any further developments. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us on:

Once again, thank you for all that you have done to support your child to continue to access education at home. You’ve done an incredible job! It’s more important than ever that we continue to ensure that attendance to live lessons and engagement with work on Google Classroom remains high as we build towards the wider reopening on the 8th March.

Kind Regards,

Mrs L Smith 
