Two young pupils are seen holding their hands up in class with smiles on their faces, eager to answer the teacher's question.

Results from our recent parent survey – 9th Mar 2022

At Molehill Primary Academy we are immensely proud to have an overwhelmingly supportive parent body. As parents you are vital to the success of your child’s education and as such we know how important it is that you feel a part of our school community. 

During our recent parent survey, we were pleased to learn that 97% of parents agree or strongly agree that their child is happy at our Academy. Parents also recognise that we ensure that our pupils are well-behaved and that pupils achieve well at our school. 

Results from a parent survey.
Comments from parents at Molehill Primary Academy.

A small number of parents expressed that they did not know about these elements of our school day and therefore we are committed to providing parents with more frequent opportunities to visit the school to discover more. 

The vast majority of parents stated that their child had either not been bullied or that the school had dealt with this bullying quickly and effectively. 

We received a range of kind, supportive and celebratory comments. Thank you to all who completed the survey – your opinions are very important to us.